

Purple Mountain Ventures ...
is a new breed of a venture capital and growth consultancy, one based on deep experience in the information and energy sectors.

We prefer to call what we do adventure capital because we completely immerse ourselves in our portfolio firms. In short, we invest our most valuable resource: our time. Because we understand that cash flow is critical for young companies, the cash portion of our compensation is based on ability to pay, along with the option to purchase shares at their current value to incentivize our long-term involvement with our firms.

Formed in 2002, our team is comprised of experienced individuals from virtually every functional aspect necessary to manage new and emerging enterprises: marketing and product development, promotion and lead generation, sales and revenue acceleration, capital formation and corporate structuring, finance and accounting, and strategic planning.

More risk equity capital chasing fewer deals
There is more and more risk equity capital chasing fewer and fewer deals than ever before in the history of the U.S. This over-abundance of capital has not re-created the hysteria of the late 1990’s.

If anything, risk and venture investors are spending much more time determining if a prospective portfolio firm is a good fit with their investment strategy; if a firm’s products are well thought out and complete; if the company knows how to reach and cultivate customers; and if the management team has the skills and experience necessary to execute their own plan.

Lector Caveo
In order to avoid having our details harvested, we use graphics for email addresses and URLs. We apologize if this makes contacting us a bit more cumbersome, but this practice is necessary given the large amount of spam fertilizing the Internet.
